My pillars
Through fitness, it is possible to achieve a life that is healthy and harmonious with our spirit and soul
In my personal experience, I have been exercising for 30 years and participating in different competitions that have allowed me to use the tools necessary to control my thoughts and take care of my body and health. We all have the power to control and decide how our bodies function. It is time to take action and start working on the health of our bodies and our minds. This means adding exercise into our daily routine.
My pillars
3 Core values of the pillars
Aside from maintaining our bodies and minds healthy, creating a daily exercise routine allows our minds to shift our focus from negative thoughts and energies
Maintaining our body health is the first step to living a full and healthy life.
In addition to exercise, there are other aspects that influence our overall health and personal well-being. Learn how you can receive information from your body to take care of your health.
A healthy diet is one of the most important aspects to stay in harmony with our body and soul.
You have the power to change your eating habits. Listen here to the key to start creating healthy habits.
My recent publications