

Recommended books

Find a selection of the books that have helped me strengthen my role as a mother, woman, CEO, speaker and entrepreneur.

  • empodera-tus-pensamientos-positivos

    Empodera tus pensamientos positivos

    Tips and exercises to heal the soul, transcend pain, achieve the success, love and prosperity we all deserve.
  • la-voz-escondida-en-el-silencio

    La voz escondida en el silencio

    Discover how a survivor of sexual abuse, despite having suffered IN SECRET most of her life, is a woman of integrity, wisdom, happiness and constant growth.
  • vivir-sin-culpa

    Vivir sin Culpa

    A story of overcoming and hope told by its survivor: a brave woman who wants to show us the way to self-forgiveness and a life without guilt or spiritual pain.
  • Neccesary-endings

    Necessary Endings

    To achieve happiness and success, it is essential to know when and how to put an end to something or someone that is not working.

  • Believe-in-Yourself

    Believe in yourself

    This book motivates us to believe in ourselves, to meet our goals and to know the capacity we have to meet our goals.

  • Personality-isn_t-permanent-

    Personality Isn’t Permanent

    A story of self-transformation that proposes strategies to rethink our past and design our future.

  • The-surrender-experiment

    The surrender experiment

    A spiritual awakening that will teach us that sometimes it is necessary to give up control to live a full life.

  • Thw-EQ-edge

    The EQ Edge: Emotional intelligence and your success

    Strengthen your emotional intelligence and build meaningful, deep and lasting relationships.

  • Crash-the-Chatterbox--Hearing-God_s-Voice-Above-All-Others-

    Crash the Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others

    Learn how to live God's truth and discover your ability to choose to hear God's voice above all else.

  • What-to-do-when-you-worry-too-much

    What to do when you worry too much

    Learn to manage your worries and anxiety and then teach your children through drawing and writing.

  • Staying-connected-to-your-teenager

    Staying connected to your teenager

    Prepare to dive into the challenges a parent faces in order to understand and maintain a connection with their teenager.

  • The-whole-brain-child-book

    The Whole-Brain Child Book

    A set of strategies that will help you foster emotional and intellectual development in your children.

  • how-women-rise

    How women rise

    Learn about twelve habits that will help you take your career to the next level and enjoy the success that comes from letting go of habits.

  • Brave-not-perfct

    Brave not perfect

    The perfect impulse to be better from within and not from the perfection expected by our environment.

  • Atomic-Habits

    Atomic habits

    Make good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. You have the ability to modify your behavior.

  • Mindset


    Your mind has the power to interfere with your results. Learn how the right mindset can motivate and transform your life.

  • Extreme-Ownership

    Extreme Ownership Babin

    The most important factor for the success or failure of a team is leadership. Learn how to achieve it and build powerful teams.

  • Fierce-conversations

    Fierce Conversations

    An exercise guide to become receptive listeners and achieve intense conversations, with strength, power and passion.

  • On-the-Edge

    On the Edge

    A leadership manual that can be applied from the sports field to the commercial field, always based on decision-making.

  • Zero-to-One

    Zero to One

     A set of strategies for those who want to build a company and an invitation to work from creation, not from competition.

  • How-to-Win-Friends-and-Influence-People

    How to Win Friends and Influence People

    Learn the correct way to connect with people and achieve your goals based on human behavior, marketing and leadership.

  • Good-to-Great

    Good to Great

    3 key principles for business growth; disciplined people, disciplined thinking and disciplined actions.

  • The-Originals

    The Originals

    This is a book to break down barriers, allow ourselves to be different, and allow those around us to be different.

  • Toxic-Parents

    Toxic Parents

    Many adults are unaware of the role that our past plays in the decisions we make in the present, find your inner peace and free yourself from patterns.

  • El-Poder-De-Tu-Mente-Subconsciente

    El Poder De Tu Mente Subconsciente

    A demonstration of how imagination and thought are responsible for the destiny of each person.

  • New-Power

    New Power

    A new way of understanding the world and a set of useful tools to thrive in it.

  • Super-Human

    Super Human

    Extending our useful life, having more energy and expanding our intellectual capacity is possible. With this book, you will know how.

  • the-gifts-of-imperfection

    The gifts of imperfection

    A motivational and inspirational guide to reinforce the process of self-esteem and personal development to live a perfectly imperfect life.

  • El-Poder-de-los-5-Segundos

    In The Power of 5 Seconds

    Discover that it takes only five seconds to trust, break the habit of procrastination, overcome fear and more.

  • la-inteligencia-emocional

    Emotional intelligence

    A form of interaction that configures character traits such as self-discipline, compassion or altruism, among others.

  • los-5-lenguajes-del-amor

    The 5 languages ​​of love

    Get to know 5 different ways to express love and identify how applying each one will help you in your relationship in surprising ways.

  • los-7-hábitos-de-la-gente-altamente-efectiva

    The 7 habits of highly effective people

    A definition of effectiveness in the balance between the desired results and the care of all the systems that help us achieve said results.

  • The Caste

    Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

    Beyond race and class, in the US there is a powerful caste system that influences the lives, the behaviour of the people and the destiny of the nation.
  • How to Change your Mind

    How to Change your Mind

    The long history of psychedelic drugs, from their turbulent heyday in the 1960s to the resulting counter-movement and backlash.
  • How to be an antiracist?

    How to Be an Antiracist

    The opposite of racist is anti-racist rather than just non-racist, and there is no middle ground in the fight against racism, says the author.
  • What Happened to You?

    What Happened to You?

    Learn to recognize that your adverse past can affect your personality, as well as the ways you behave and react to various life situations.

  • Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

    Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

    Get to know the mental processes that work quickly and automatically from relatively little information.
  • The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read

    The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read

    Making the Law of Attraction "do" what you've always wanted is easier than you think. It just takes ONE little tweak.

  • Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain

    Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain

    Have you ever wondered why you have a brain? This is a revealing and entertaining neuroscientific investigation.
  • The Transgender Teen

    The Transgender Teen

    A guide that explores the challenges thousands of families face every day raising a teen who may be transgender, gender-variant, or gender-fluid.
  • Building a life worth living

    Building a life worth living

    The author tells the story of her journey from suicidal teenager to world-renowned developer of the life-saving behavioral therapy DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)
  • Transitions of the Heart

    Transitions of the Heart

    The first collection to ever invite mothers of transgender and gender variant children of all ages to tell their own stories about their child’s gender transition.
  • Raising lions

    Raising lions

    Current child-rearing techniques seek to develop children who are confident, self-assured, and unafraid to speak their minds-lions instead of lambs.
  • instinct


    Rewire Your Brain with Science-Backed Solutions to Increase Productivity and Achieve Success. A revolutionary approach to unlocking your innate ability to achieve success in business and in life.
  • Attachment-Focused


    The book provides healing insights for attachment traumas caused by childhood relationships; it also teaches about EDMR to heal relational trauma and attachment deficits.
  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

    Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

    A book that gives you the tools to change any aspect of your life, because once you start to change your opinion about yourself, your life will never be the same again.
  • Conversational Capacity

    Conversational Capacity

    A book with guaranteed communication tools to face problems with your work team, demonstrating agility and skill in the difficult challenges that occur along the way.
  • Cuando Todo se Derrumba

    When Things Fall Apart

    A work that reminds us that life is a good teacher and a good friend, even in difficult moments, when it feels like everything is collapsing, are precisely to free us from emotional burdens.
  • Dopamine Nation

    Dopamine Nation

    A journey on why finding balance in our lives is essential, we will find that the secret to finding balance is to combine the science of desire with the wisdom of recovery.
  • Powerful meditation

    Powerful meditation

    A powerful and very effective meditation guided by Dr. Joe Dispenza that will help you have a high vibrational morning and have a successful day.
  • Same Soul Many bodies

    Same Soul, Many Bodies

    A work that will help us through the visualization of future lives on how we can influence decisions and use this process to bring more joy to our present lives.

  • The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce

    The unexpected legacy of divorce

    An interesting study that has managed to change the way children of divorced parents see themselves in adulthood and its effect on relationships.
  • Las Mujeres que Corren con Los Lobos

    Women who run with the wolves

    A book that has the ability to change your life, a text that seeks to bring to light the wild woman, her indescribable power and show the beauty of her instinctive nature.
  • Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential

    MetaHuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential

    In this book, Deepak Chopra states that a higher state of consciousness is available here and now, for us all. Learn how.

  • Gift


    A groundbreaking manifesto on living better and longer that challenges the conventional medical thinking on aging and reveals a new approach to preventing chronic disease and extending long-term health.

  • The comfort crisis

    The comfort crisis

    Discover the evolutionary mind and body benefits of living at the edges of your comfort zone and reconnecting with the wild.

  • Secrets of the millionaire mind

    Secrets of the millionaire mind

    Secrets of the Millionaire Mind reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it!

  • The seat of the soul

    The seat of the soul

    The Seat of the Soul encourages you to become the authority in your own life. It will change the way you see the world, interact with other people, and understand your own actions and motivations.

  • The unterthered soul

    The untethered soul

    This book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you. You’ll discover what you can do to put an end to the habitual thoughts and emotions that limit your consciousness.

  • Finding me

    Finding me

    In this book, you will meet a little girl named Viola who ran from her past until she made a life-changing decision to stop running forever.

  • Girl, woman, other

    Girl, woman, other

    An impressive, fierce novel about the lives of black British families, their struggles, pains, laughter, longings and loves

  • Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave

    Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave

    In the first book of an exciting new series on the cardinal virtues of ancient philosophy, Holiday explores the most foundational virtue of all: Courage.

  • Gift

    I don´t want to talk about it

    Terrence Real

    Is a groundbreaking and hopeful guide to understanding and destigmatizing male depression, essential not only for men who may be suffering but for the people who love them.
  • Gift

    The emotion code

    Dr. Bradley Nelson y Tony Robbins

    The discoveries in this book can change our understanding of how we store emotional experiences and, in doing so, change our lives. I encourage you to use this simple tool to heal themselves and their loved ones.
  • Gift

    The origins of you

    Vienna Pharaon

    In The Origins of You, Pharaon has unlocked a healing process to help us understand our Family of Origin—the family and framework we grew up within—and examine what worked (and didn’t) in that system.
  • Gift

    Never split the difference

    Chris Voss

    In this practical guide, the author shares the nine effective principles―counterintuitive tactics and strategies―you too can use to become more persuasive in both your professional and personal life.
  • Gift

    Nonviolent communication

    Marshall Rosenberg PhD

    This innovative book introduces the author's complete program for defusing violence and conflicts withing families, schools, businesses, and governments, presenting his four-step process of identifying our deepest truths, addressing unrecognized needs and emotions, and honoring the concerns of others.
  • Gift

    Outsmart your brain

    Daniel T. Willingham PhD

    In this revolutionary, comprehensive, and accessible guide on how the brain learns, discover how to study more efficiently and effectively, shrug away exam stress, and most of all, enjoy learning.


Learn to see each situation as a learning opportunity and get to know the tools that have led me to achieve inner peace.



Identify the different tools that will help you achieve financial freedom, from budgeting to the power of manifestation.

  • Gift

    Personal Budget

    Click on the download button and access a helpful tool that will allow you to plan your personal finances, and define how much money you have available; essential to plan your day to day life.

  • Gift

    Así Vivo Mejor

    A podcast with Yezmin Thomas where you will learn about personal finance, how to save money, live debt-free and design the lifestyle you dream of having.

  • Gift

    Éxito y Finanzas

    Interviews with entrepreneurs and personal finance experts from all over Latin America. Dare to get out of your comfort zone, start a business and face your goals.

  • Gift

    Tu dinero nunca duerme

    Every week Luis Fernando Quintero and Manuel Llamas meet with the best experts and managers at esRadio to discuss how to invest with confidence and meant for everyone.


Inspirational Quotes

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

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(10am - 05 pm)
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