Why is it important to maintain a healthy diet?

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Why is it important to maintain a healthy diet?
If you want to start making radical changes in your life to achieve a better health and enjoy a holistic wellness that allows you to better connect with the people around you, starting a healthy eating plan is a good way to begin. Eating a balanced diet can bring you a lot of benefits that will help you feel much better both physically and mentally, improving the functioning of your body and even allowing you to avoid other diseases that may result from an unbalanced diet. Remember that you do not need to be overweight to have a healthy diet. While it is true that this eating habit helps you get rid of several extra pounds, even if you are not overweight you can follow a healthy diet to help you stay in good health. To help you, this time I leave you a brief guide in which I explain what are the main benefits of a good diet, as well as some recommendations for you to start changing your eating habits.

What are the benefits of healthy eating?

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), following a healthy diet helps us to avoid all kinds of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. In addition, each of these pathologies are usually also related to high levels of stress in the body, so eating a healthy diet is also a good tool to get rid of stress and fill you with energy. Some of the main benefits of healthy eating are the following:
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Reduces the risk of developing a chronic disease.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight.
  • Prevents chronic and transitory fatigue.
  • It gives you much more energy.
Even the WHO itself indicates that a total of 2.7 million deaths are registered in the world each year of people who do not have a healthy diet, often abusing fats and fried foods that can cause very serious damage.

What does healthy eating consist of?

Since we know the benefits of this type of diet and how important it is for our health, you are probably wondering what is healthy eating? If so, let me tell you that it is simply a diet that contains all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our body. That is, for a diet to be really healthy and balanced, it is important that it contains at least 1 food from each family, in small portions. For example: a portion of carbohydrates, another of fruits and vegetables, another of meat, fish or eggs, as well as good fats such as avocado. Each of these foods covers the different needs of your body, providing you with a nutritional contribution that will help you stay healthy and in good shape. Another element you can’t forget is water. Drinking plenty of water also helps you to improve the functioning of your body.

Some recommendations to maintain a healthy diet

To help you change your eating habits, here are some tips that will allow you to maintain a good eating regimen, with which you will surely improve your health over time.
  • Water. Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid, during and between meals, in the form of water and non-caloric beverages. Forget sugary or chemical beverages like soda, you will never find as many benefits as in water.
  • Carbohydrates at every meal. Include in your diet cereals, cereal-based foods (rice, pasta, semolina, wheat, bread, etc.), legumes (lentils, beans, peas, etc.), potatoes, preferably wholemeal.
  • Fruits and vegetables. At least 400 g at all meals, in all its forms (cooked, raw, mixed, etc.).
  • Some fat. It is important that you vary the sources. You can use oils, butter, margarine, etc. Also, be sure to moderate their consumption.
  • On rare occasions, sweet products. They are all high in calories, either because they have a high sugar content, or because they combine sugar and fat. It’s best to avoid them.
Of course, in order for you to see satisfactory results in your body and mind, it is important that you are consistent with your healthy eating. Remember that your body is your temple and you must take care of it at all costs. Avoid damaging it with junk and high-fat foods. If you want to know more benefits of healthy eating and other ways to take care of your physical and mental health, I invite you to listen to my podcast and start connecting with your body health, so you can improve every aspect of your life.

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