[vc_row][vc_column][trx_widget_audio caption=”We all need a little validation” author=”María Trusa” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/We-all-need-a-little-validation.mp3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
We all need validation. That is the reflection of the day. I want to share with you that yesterday I had my first interview with a giant in the Latino World which is CNN en español. I had the privilege of being interviewed by Guillermo Arduino, someone that I follow, admire and who has been working as an anchor for CNN for so many years. He has read my book and knows my story. The validation from him telling me what a piece of work this book is, was extremely rewarding for me. He enjoyed reading this book and was completely amazed by the structure of the book because in this structure, I share the tools that I used throughout my life with everyone so that they can follow the tools that fit their lives. If I can help them improve their lives with the gifts given at the end of every chapter, no matter how horrible that chapter was in my life, it fills my heart. I’ve always found that it was a gift that was given to me. The validation that I received from him really was and is an accelerator that is giving me more energy than ever to continue on this mission of really making an impact in the Latino community. I have to tell you that when I also heard the messages that he was reading from people all over the world on this FB Live, the validation is going to another level. To know that there are people that don’t even know me and can connect with me to the level that they did, Wow, what a feeling! It’s almost spiritual to know that my words can impact people from Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Salvador and just everywhere but most of all that they can relate to my pain and can relate to my success. Validation is needed. Validation is, as I always say in Spanish, “Gasolina para el alma”. It is fuel for the soul. We all need it, not just me. Each one of us needs to be validated and when we are not validated, it affects our Ego, it affects our inner soul. This is why when you are with the wrong people in your life and these people bring you negativity, they´re destroying your validation. So I want you to reflect today! Are you being validated by the people that are around you or are they actually destroying your foundation, your inner soul? The other side is: are you validating the people that mean the world to you or are you destroying their foundation, their soul! Let’s reflect, reset and reconnect.
Foto de Manos creado por creativeart – www.freepik.es