[vc_row][vc_column][trx_widget_audio caption=”Transforming worry into action” author=”María Trusa” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Transforming-worry-into-action.mp3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Today’s reflection: Transforming your worry into action!
Today, I was thinking back to last week when my partner, Gina, my friend, someone that I adore and has been a very influential person in my life, a true, true business partner, got diagnosed with the coronavirus. There was so much worry and fear because Gina suffers from asthma. There was much worry on her part, my part, the family and everybody that knew her. But one thing that I’ve noticed going through this process with her is that for 5 years or so,
Gina has been working so hard on building a muscle that connects her spiritually and practicing mindfulness that connects her with her body and soul. I was so proud of the way that she handled this crisis in her life. The coronavirus has a way of beating you down and then giving you a pause where you can feel a little bit better. It’s almost like okay you’re beating this and then it goes back and hits you. Gina went through this rollercoaster. During the times when she felt strong, I called her and she would be ready to discuss business, start creating and take action. I was reflecting today how we are doing this together. How we have the moments when we have the space of not worrying and we go and start creating stories. Oh my God, what’s going to happen if something happens to Gina. What are we going to do when she could also go to the same space? OMG, am I leaving my daughter? This is going to be so painful for her, for my family. Going through this phase where she sees herself so sick that she could die. But she didn’t do that! She took action, she took that moment and started living the present and decided to turn worry into action. So my task for you is that during these difficult times that we are all going through together, you do your best not to let worry steal your moments of creation and action.
Let’s reflect, reset and reconnect!