Those deep wounds need to be healed. That is the reflection of the day. I have been reflecting on all the pain that exists during this time in our country and it is heartbreaking. We have already been through so much with the pandemic and, at the same time, the racism is at its highest. The pain from all of the wounds for so many years, even decades of racism. It has gotten to the point where people have been isolated, people have been by themselves and they are feeling pain in every aspect of their lives. Unfortunately, they are losing their loved ones. Our black community has lost more people than most of the community during the pandemic and now they continue to suffer and get abused by the system. They are saying enough is enough! The pain that exists is just insane. At this point, l am not taking it anymore! Humanity needs to Prevail. We all need to unite and be able to make a difference. We all have to figure out a way to peacefully make a difference. We cannot just stand still! We need to take action and figure out a way of changing the domino effect to make it a positive effect. Instead of negativity, that we could somehow stop the suffering. The way that we’re suffering and adding more pain into the equation. How do we do this? That is the question. and I know there’s not just one answer. Nobody has all of the answers. It is united that we can do it! How do we do it? What would be your peaceful contribution to continue on this path to stop racism and bring humanity to this world! Humanity will prevail. Let’s reflect, reset and reconnect.