Maria Trusa, an inspiring life story.

Maria Trusa, an inspiring life story.
Despite having a childhood marked by the trauma of sexual abuse, María Trusa, founder of the Yo Digo No Más Movement, is today a happy woman, a successful entrepreneur and her life story has become a source of inspiration for those who, like her, have survived such painful experiences. In her autobiographical book, entitled “Yo Digo No Más,” she broke her silence after decades of keeping a secret that destroyed her life. Today, after a long healing process, María dedicates all her efforts to raise awareness about what she calls the silent pandemic of sexual abuse that affects thousands of children and families.

Prevent the cycle of sexual violence

Thousands of people destroy their lives by keeping silent that they were victims of sexual abuse, so for María it is very clear that her mission is to prevent the cycle of sexual violence through education and to generate a change in many social norms that feed this scourge.

Breaking the silence

As a survivor of sexual abuse, María is aware of how difficult it is to share the story of abuse with others, but she also knows that it is the first step to begin a process of healing from the deep wounds left by sexual violence. This is why through the Yo Digo No Más Movement and the Youtube Talk Show of the same name, María invites survivors to share their stories, which unfortunately turn out to be more frequent than one would think. Through the various actions led by the Yo Digo No Más Movement, the aim is to generate knowledge and raise awareness, as well as to provide accompaniment and support to those who, like her, have suffered sexual abuse.

From victim to creator

Despite the traumatic experience she suffered and how destroyed she was for many years. María today is a successful woman and feels the need to share her story so that other survivors can believe that it is possible to achieve dreams and live a fulfilling life. For her, it is important to rewrite history and leave behind the role of victim to become a creator. If you want to read the full story, you can find it on the Reconocer Magazine website.

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