During an interview on the program Entre Líderes, María Trusa, founder of the Yo Digo No Más Movement, shared her story as a survivor of sexual abuse and successful entrepreneur. Unlike many of the victims of this scourge, she decided to become a survivor and today she fights for all those who have experienced the same as her, to be the voice of those who have no voice.
“Many people go through traumas that destroy you or turn you into a rock, a rock that no one can break and the rock starts to grow and create.” For María that is what happened in her case, that traumatic experience that destroyed her for years, turned her into a strong and resilient woman who today sets her life purpose in preventing more people from suffering sexual abuse.
And although she says that she still feels the effects of the trauma she experienced when her father, at the age of nine, gave her to a man who forced her to drink liquor and abused her, causing injuries that even required surgery, today she is the one who manages her life, not her story.
Through the book “Yo Digo No Más”, which María wrote at her son’s request, she realized that this is not just her story, it is the story of many others, and it is urgent to take action to prevent sexual abuse.