María Trusa: a sexual abuse survivor who is changing the world.

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María Trusa: a sexual abuse survivor who is changing the world.
In an interview with Oleda Maldonado on Platicando con Oleda, María Trusa, founder of the Yo Digo No Más Movement, shared her story of life and resilience that allowed her to overcome the trauma of sexual abuse and become a successful woman who today provides support to those who, like her, have suffered such a painful experience. Before the age of nine, Maria has beautiful memories that allow her to recall the beauty of her country, the Dominican Republic, and her childhood games. But at the age of nine, she had to live the most painful experience of her life amidst the feeling of abandonment by her parents and the alcoholism of her father, who made a decision that not only destroyed his family, but also María’s life for many decades. One night, he handed her over to a friend of his and he sexually abused her.

One night changed María’s life

Today, María was able to forgive her father and wonders what could have happened to him, because for her, the fact that he made this decision must be related to some trauma experienced by her father and that reached her through several generations. After that night, María never saw her father again and remembers that from a distance her mother and siblings suffered for not being able to take care of her. Likewise, Maria points out that her relationship with her mother was difficult, because she resented what had happened to her, and she does not forget an occasion when she would not stop crying and her mother hit her and told her that she had to stop now. Although she did not perceive it that way at the time, now she feels that she did just that in her life, she said No More and was filled with the strength to continue. Undoubtedly, Maria’s traumatic experience destroyed her family, but likewise, as she began to work on overcoming that trauma and the process of healing her wounds, her family was positively impacted as well. And although she never saw her father again, she managed to forgive him and that was the greatest gift he could give her, since it allowed her to free herself from the resentment and negative feelings she carried for years.

Protecting energy

Throughout her life, María has encountered several accelerators that have allowed her to move towards the successful woman she is today. The first was perhaps when her mother demanded that she stop crying and move on, then it was when she felt she put her child at risk at the age of three months and also the moment when she was able to forgive her father. Despite living for many years with great anxiety, María understood that life is energy and began to protect her own. She decided to stop giving her life to negative feelings and began the search for María, the woman she loves and who does not give her time to pain and negativity. Access the full interview on the Platicando con Oleda Facebook channel.

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