Let’s find out your primary love language

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Let’s find out your primary love language
Do you know your love language? That is the reflection of the day. Last week, I shared with you a book recommendation by Gary Chapman “The Five Languages of Love”. There is a test. A personality test that helps you understand what is your primary love language. I took this test and my fiance took it. My daughter took it and I decided that I want to share the test with you because it is so important to really understand what is the way that you need to be loved. What is your primary language? What is the primary language of those people that are with you that you love so that you can take the action and love them the right way? So today, I am inviting you to take the personality test to find your love language. What is your primary love language? Let’s reflect, reset and reconnect with love. To take the test go to https://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/

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