How to manage obsessive thoughts? 5 recommendations

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How to manage obsessive thoughts? 5 recommendations
Do you know what obsessive thoughts are? It is important that you learn to identify the difference between “ruminative” thoughts, which are those to which we turn permanently, and obsessive thoughts, which are those that also appear intrusively in our mind but also generate a high degree of anxiety and can interfere in a significant way in our lives. People have the ability to create thoughts continuously and, in many cases, we manage to find the solution to many of the situations we face every day through them. But, likewise, when we face situations that pose some kind of risk, it is possible that we generate alerts in the wrong way, and even conceive obsessive thoughts. If we interpret our thoughts in an objective way and without excessive attention, we may be able to manage them without experiencing suffering. However, if we look at them catastrophically, our distress and anxiety will surely skyrocket. We often try to stop at all costs those thoughts that cause some kind of discomfort. But this is not always the best decision. Below, I share with you some recommendations for you to learn how to better manage obsessive thoughts.

5 guidelines to manage obsessive thoughts

Although they are not on your mind 365 days a year, obsessive thoughts can be triggered any time and it is important that you know how to deal with them. Here are some tips. Identify the obsessive thought. It is essential to learn to observe our thoughts and the anxiety they generate, as well as to identify if these thoughts imply a reality. Use relaxation techniques. It is important to learn to manage the anxiety generated by our thoughts so that it is possible to focus the attention on breathing and returning to a calm state of mind in order to control these anxiety symptoms. Avoid evading the obsessive thought. Resorting to other thoughts or mental images when thoughts that generate anxiety come to us, only has a short-term effect. It is important to face the situation before us. Expose yourself to the obsessive thought. Exposing ourselves progressively to those thoughts that generate discomfort will help us to control the effects that they produce and to make them disappear gradually. For this, it is advisable to have the support of a mental health professional. Seek professional help. Generally, certain challenging situations trigger this type of circular and distressing thinking. And although they seem to disappear during seasons of stability and tranquility, it is possible that they may return when we go through stressful circumstances again. That’s why it’s so important to enlist the help of a mental health professional to deal with obsessive thoughts. Don’t let your thoughts control you and lead you into distressing situations. Take control over them and if you feel you can’t do it alone, don’t hesitate to seek help.

Diseases associated with obsessive thoughts

Obsessive thoughts are those recurring ideas that feed on the bad moments we face. Although they may seem something simple and small, if we do not pay attention to them, they can settle in our minds and come with disorders and diseases such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or personality disorders. If you detect this type of thought in yourself or someone close to you, do not forget to prioritize mental health. Seeking help and initiating treatment is essential to overcome them and reconnect with well-being. You may also be interested in: 7 Keys to Learn How to Relax Your Mind

Harmony between doubts and confidence

Many times, fears appear in our lives and make us doubt our abilities in the path we are walking. However, it is important that we can always be in control by finding the balance between doubts and confidence in order to achieve our goals. If you want to find more recommendations to take care of your mental health, I invite you to listen to my podcast, where I share valuable tools every week to help you reconnect with your physical and emotional well-being.

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