Don’t let fear steal your dreams!
How many times do you set up goals and you don’t accomplish them? That is the question that I want you to reflect on very deeply today because when you feel that you’re living a life that is limited, it is because you are allowing fear to destroy your dreams. But it is in your hands to be able to change that. The more you are afraid, the bigger the satisfaction you will get from accomplishing that goal. I always equated my goals to how fearful I am because we all live in fear. This is life! Fear is something that from the beginning, when we are born, we learn. But learning to control the fear and to just jump into the unknown is the key. So when you are thinking of the goals that you want to create for your life and you start just imagining what it is, how it is going to feel and then, you start creating stories that are going to let you believe that you can’t do it when you hear that voice that says you can’t do it, is really the time you have to jump. How you get it done is by confronting your fears on a daily basis and chipping away with small actions everyday. This reminded me of the New York City marathon as I was reflecting on this reflection this morning. I remember how afraid I was at the beginning when I made the decision that I was going to run 26.2 miles. It seemed an impossible dream but every day for 4 months, I started to train and my life everyday was chipping away at the fear, getting my body and my mind ready to accomplish my goal and I believed I could and I did. The last thing that happened to me this weekend is that for a while I’ve been saying that I’m going to be on TED Talk and I have the opportunity of being on TED talk. I’ve been saying this for about 8 months. I said, I am going to be on TED Talk and people say, Oh! The question is when and if I’m going to do it or not. But I am happy to announce that I wrote my first speech. A 2 minute speech where I have to send a video. But I have the opportunity to be on the Spanish TED Talk in Panama this year. I just submitted the video to see if I get approved and I have the opportunity of somebody that actually knows me that is going to be on the panel choosing the people that are going to be on the TED Talk this year. This is incredible! You believe you can and you will. I believed I could and I did! It is amazing how you can get anything you want out of life by believing and by controlling your fears, chipping away every single day. I invite you to reflect, reset and reconnect with your dreams.