“Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now”

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"Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now"
[vc_row][vc_column][trx_widget_audio caption=””Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now”” author=”María Trusa” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/WhatsApp-Audio-2020-03-15-at-11.36.08-AM-online-audio-converter.com_.mp3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]       I am sharing this article today because when I read it this morning, it really put things in perspective for me. The article is available in many languages and has been read by millions of people. My takeaway from the article is that “Social Distancing” is key to preventing the spread of this virus from getting to the level where it can be fatal for many. I have been reflecting on how I was even doubting the concept of social distancing. I started thinking of how many sick people with flu-like symptoms there have been and we are not certain if they are carrying the virus. We have been taking extra precautions at my office; implementing protocols daily to protect the patients, staff, their families and the business. I realized that we need to take this virus very serious regardless of the inconvenience and impact on the business and our economy. We have to shift our mindset to coming up with a plan on how to prevent the spread of this horrific virus. Please keep in mind that this virus has shown to stay in an active state when in contact with metal for over 9 hours and can infect you. Therefore, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, don’t touch your face and notice the things you touch. I recommend that you reflect on our actions, are we really taking this serious and are we doing all that we can to prevent it from spreading further. We must do our best to deal with this serious situation and remain “cool”, ”calm” and “collected” but also be “socially responsible”. I am definitely going to do my best to remain cool, calm and collected and continue to share posts on social media to keep everyone informed. Please be aware and be safe! Article: Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

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