Tools to reconnect with your soul. That is the reflection of the day. I am sharing with you an App that I use to journal daily. I take about five minutes to journal. What I love about the App is Number 1, you can dictate and it types automatically. In addition to that, it gives you an opportunity to add a picture that can connect what you’re feeling or what you’re writing about in the journal for the day, or video. The journaling App is called Journaling. You can find this at the App Store. I found it to be one of the best ones. I’ve been journaling and writing usually. But I find that, for me, it is easier to journal. Sometimes, I even do it as I’m putting my makeup on. Sometimes, I will do it as I am waiting at a place and just start dictating and journal my feelings for the day. What is triggering me? How do I feel? Am I happy? Am I anxious? Is there something that I need to reflect on? What I love is that throughout the years, you journal and you can document your life in a way and the feelings that you have and look back and see your growth or see if you’re stuck by just reading your own journal. There is so much power in journaling and if you are someone that says, “I don’t have time to journal. I don’t have time.” Five minutes of your time to journal is not a lot to ask to reconnect with your soul. That is the reflection of the day. Let’s reflect, reset and reconnect.