A necessary imbalance

A necessary imbalance
A necessary imbalance. That is the reflection of the day. It is 9:30pm and my day started at 7:30am. I stopped to eat lunch and dinner and that was it. I have been working in this way, I would say, for the past month. There is such imbalance in my life. Much of what I really do is just work, concentrating on trying to make things happen and making an impact on the community, to the point where family wise, I am completely imbalanced. But there is a necessary imbalance, as I mentioned, that exists when it comes to the way that I’m working and the way that I’m connected to my family. I haven’t seen my daughter for three and a half weeks but this weekend, I had the blessing of being able to see my boys, Franco and Jeffrey and connect with them. However, even to do that, I had to be tested during the middle of the week so that I can make sure that I am not carrying this virus. Then, I have to sort of secure myself in the back of the office and not really interact with patients because I am trying to protect my family but also see them. It felt amazing to be able to have a little normalcy for a weekend with my boys but then, I go back. That was 2 days. Today, as I close my laptop so that I can start getting stuff ready for the next day, it made me really realize how this necessary imbalance has been created. We have embraced it and accepted it. There is that place where you just are aware that you were in complete imbalance but you are okay with it because it’s for the greater good. It is heartwarming to see that everybody else around you accepts it and they join you in this effort. It is okay that you are off balance even with your family. Therefore, my ask of you is to reflect on the imbalance that you have because we are all in an imbalance whether you like it or not due to the COVID-19 crisis. But how are we dealing with that imbalance? Are we taking the opportunity of being imbalanced with positivity and achieving results and amazing things? Making sure your business doesn’t go out of business. That is what I want you to reflect on. Are you going on a negative route and being imbalanced, just watching movies and eating the wrong things, not working out, making excuses to just do very little and putting yourself into an imbalance? That is destructive! Let’s reflect, reset and reconnect.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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