Learn how to develop Emotional Intelligence
If you really want to know how to improve Emotional Intelligence, it is crucial you achieve connecting yourself with what you feel and understand how those emotions influence on you. Keep these tips in mind: Pay attention to your emotions. The fast and stressful rhythm of life consumes much of our time and put some things aside, one of them is to identify what we feel, hurting ourselves and people around us. Have some breaks daily to ask yourself how do you feel and why. At the beginning, you can set alarms during the day ad then you will be implementing it as a routine without realizing it. Enhance your Emotional Vocabulary. Remember you feel more emotions than happiness, sadness, anger, and fear, so when you are identifying a feeling, you have to try to be as specific as possible. So, you will understand better what you feel and why. Do not judge your emotions. Do not fight against your emotions, keep in mind negative feelings are warning you about something, if you ignore or fight against them, you won’t have clear what these emotions mean. Avoid classify them as good or bad and better consider them as a tool to be aware of yourself. Learn how to manage your emotions. As you should know, we are not able to change the actions of others, but we can truly change the way we feel about them. Prevent yourself from drawing negative conclusions when others’ actions disturb you, instead try to change your emotional state by trying this:- Go for a walk.
- Talk to a friend.
- Listen to music.
- Practice breathing exercises
- Specifically define your emotion.
- Express your emotions in first person.
- Communicate the behavior that makes you feel that emotion.
- Finish by expressing what you need.
- Avoid using judging or accusing expressions.