8 Day Self-Care Challenge

Your Transformation Is

Just 8 Days Away.

Complete this FREE Challenge to begin taking
Small Steps or Daily Deposits  to achieve better outcomes.

8 Day Self-Care Challenge

Moving away from past trauma is possible, but it requires intentionality and small steps in the direction of betterment each and every day.

8 Day Self-Care Challenge

It may seem to go against every instinct– especially if you’re a mother– but the truth of the matter is that you can only improve the wellbeing of your family if you’re willing and able to put your own well being first. That starts with strengthening each of your “5 Pillars” on an individual basis.

My “8 Day Self-Care Challenge” uses a series of daily emails to challenge you on the way to betterment in each of these 5 Pillars, which include:

I’m offering this powerful and life-changing challenge absolutely FREE for the first time EVER. It’s my gift to you with the hope that it will help guide you to a new headspace – one in which you are able to focus on the things that matter.


At the age of 9 I suffered an act of sexual abuse that would go on to shape the rest of my life. As I’ve worked to discover a path toward my own healing, I’ve learned that there are so many women around the globe who have gone through many of the same things that I did – and I became determined to put together resources that would benefit them in the same way that they have benefited me. For women, focusing on our self-care can sometimes feel selfish. It often feels like there just isn’t enough time for us to spend any of it on ourselves. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

The reality is that you can’t pour out from an empty cup… You have to fill yourself first before you can give to others.

I hope that with this Free, 8-Day, Guided Self-Care Challenge, you’ll take the first steps in your own personal journey to healing, to forgiveness, and to Joy.

8 Day Self-Care Challenge


Maria Trusa is an author, entrepreneur, and human rights advocate for children. She is a philanthropist and public speaker, as well as a leader in the healthcare field. Owner and CEO of Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care in White Plains, Trusa has focused on creative and entrepreneurial solutions to provide quality healthcare in a medical membership model for the vulnerable Latino community, undocumented, and uninsured families. Knowing first hand the profound impact trauma can have on a person's life, whether transgenerational or specific, Maria believes that everyone deserves the power to reclaim control over her life and shape a future that aligns with her dreams. This realization catapulted the foundation of Yo Digo No Más (I Say No More) which focuses on raising awareness of the prevalence of child sexual abuse, especially in Latino communities helping survivors of sexual abuse break the silence and cycle of abuse through prevention and education, providing mental health resources, and tools for survivors and their families. Through her organization and autobiography “Yo Digo No Mas,” (I Say No More) Maria has dedicated her life to empowering women from diverse backgrounds to confront the traumas and events that have held them captive for too long, and instill the confidence and emotional resilience to rise above their past and reclaim control of their life. Maria’s transformational methodology is centered on guiding women through a step-by-step journey of self-actualization, releasing the bonds that have held them captive and ultimately granting themselves the emotional autonomy to rewrite their stories and empower those around them.